When I travel, I carry my camera in my lap or in the seat next to me. It seems there are always amazing things waiting to be captured.
The youngest one usually laughs at me and says, "Grandma, you forgot to take the lens thingy off again." Ahh, wisdom of children.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Underneath - 53 week Photo assignment - Week of March 7

I walked out into the yard today and underneath all the dead leaves are little sprouts of  new green growth. Tulips sprouts and starts of other flowery things for which I don't know their names are emerging from underneath the long frozen ground from winter.

 Underneath this gooey cheese and onions were great beef burgers making a tasty Saturday night supper.

Underneath the layers of these tools followed by the seemingly endless hours of  investigations and interviews emerges justice!

There is always room for improvement, so get your camera and create your own pics.
Strive to break out of your comfort zone, try new things because the end result is yet to be discovered.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly Assignment - Vegetables

Wow - what an assignment... the way my week has been going ...  a vegetable is how I have been several evenings this week.  Some of you may have noticed I am a little late in this post. Normally I post on Sunday ... at the the beginning of the  assignment week. Better late than never? 
Vegetables, here are a few of my ideas.  Vegetables fresh at the grocery store.

These green onions are my favorite of these three.

The wooden bins in which the green beans and potatoes were displayed, reminds me of days as a young girl when I would shop with my grandparents.
 And then there is this puzzle piece. Not sure exactly what this vegetable is, but its texture is great.
There is always room for improvement, so get your camera and create your own pics.
Strive to break out of your comfort zone, try new things because the end result is yet to be discovered.